Tutorials and Projects

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Diodes as Input Protection
They are a very effective protection against over voltage and reverse polarity. Let's look at how diodes can be used as input protection.
MAX3010x Pulse Oximeter Modules (Part 4)
The MAX3010x sensors can do more than just heart rate measurements. Let's do some pulse oximetry.
MAX3010x Pulse Oximeter Modules (Part 3)
Our previous approach for heart rate measurements didn't work very well. It's time for a better and more scientific algorithm.
MAX3010x Pulse Oximeter Modules (Part 2)
Now that we can acquire data with MAX3010x modules, it's time to apply our heart rate detection algorithm to it.
MAX3010x Pulse Oximeter Modules (Part 1)
It's time for some more advanced heart rate sensors. Today, we are going to take a look at the MAX3010x pulse oximeter sensor family.
Heart Rate Module (Part 3)
As promised, we are going to look at another solution for detecting heart beats. This time without using a buffer.
Heart Rate Module (Part 2)
In the last part of this tutorial, we already tried out the KY-039 module. Today, we are going to implement a proper heart rate detection.
Heart Rate Module (Part 1)
Today, we are going to look at a very simple heart rate sensor. Let's discover how it works and how we can measure the heart rate with it.
LM35 Temperature Sensor
The LM35 is a cheap and easy to use analog temperature sensor found in many Arduino Kits. Let's find out how to use it.
MCP4725 DAC Module (Part 2)
DACs are often used together with analog circuits. As an example for this we will use the MCP4725 to build a programmable current source.
MCP4725 DAC Module (Part 1)
One of the limits of the Arduino Uno is that it doesn't have a DAC. The external MCP4725 module is thus an interesting extension.
HTU21D Humidity Sensor
Interested in sensing environmental data? Let's have a look at another humidity and temperature sensor: the HTU21D.
DHT11 and DHT22 Humidity Modules
Do you want to measure humidity and temperature for one of your projects? The DHT11 and DHT22 are a popular choice.
LDR Modules
LDRs are an easy solution to react to brightness changes. Let's look at corresponding Arduino modules.
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
Want an easy-to-use digital temperature sensor? The DS18B20 is a popular alternative to analog temperature modules.
Temperature Threshold Module
Do you want to trigger an action once the temperature crosses certain point? Then you are in need of a temperature threshold module.
Analog Temperature Modules
Do you need to know the temperature for one of your Arduino projects? In this tutorial we learn how to use analog temperature modules.
Summing up
This is the end of my Arduino Introduction Series. It's time to sum everything up and look ahead!
Using LCDs
Sometimes you want to display measurements without using the serial monitor. In this tutorial we learn how to use an LCD for this purpose.
IR Receiver
Ever wondered how IR remote controls work? Let's look into it and use one to control an LED connected to our Arduino.